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Tango, K.H.Chang



  • Air Force Academy, Department of Aviation Mechanics

Current Positions

  • Project Specialist at the Assistant Professor Level


  • Flight Operations, Aviation Meteorology, Flight Safety Management, Innovative Team Thinking, Airline Industry Auditing


  1. Flight Operations, Aviation Meteorology, Flight Safety Management

    (1) Instructor Pilot and Senior Captain at Far Eastern Air Transport (2008/05/13 to 2020/03/31), with 6,211 hours and 43 minutes of flight time on MD80 aircraft

    (2) First Officer at Far Eastern Air Transport (2006/11/01 to 2008/03/01), with 659 hours and 18 minutes of flight time on B757-200 aircraft

  2. Air Force Fighter Pilot (November 1, 1984 to November 1, 2006), with a total flight time of 2,042 hours and 10 minutes

    (1) FCK-1A flight time: 336 hours and 20 minutes

    (2) FCK-1B flight time: 595 hours and 50 minutes

    (3) F-5 flight time: 78 hours and 5 minutes

    (4) AT-3 flight time: 4 hours and 35 minutes

    (5) TCH flight time: 70 hours and 0 minutes

    (6) TF-104G flight time: 242 hours and 30 minutes

    (7) F-104G flight time: 221 hours and 35 minutes

    (8) F-104DJ flight time: 83 hours and 15 minutes

    (9) F-104J flight time: 156 hours and 40 minutes

    (10) F-104AB flight time: 146 hours and 45 minutes

    (11) T-33 flight time: 106 hours and 35 minutes


  • Civil Aviation Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Republic of China, Pilot Certification for Air Transportation (MD80s / B757 / B767)

Special Achievements

  • Awarded the Model Pilot of the Year 108 by the Civil Aviation Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
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